Friday, April 29, 2011

BARCA vs. Real Madrid

This wednesday my friends and I went to the Barcelona bar called L'Ovella Negra to watch the Futbol Club Barcelona vs. Real Madrid champions league game.  Obviously this is a huge rival because Madrid and Barcelona are the two largest cities in Spain but its more than that.  The soccer game represents the constant conflict between Madrid and Catalunya. I think it was awesome that the semi finals of the champions league game were between such fierce rivals.  L'Ovella Negra was a great place to watch the game because it was a nice mix of Spanish people, tourists who were unfamiliar with the rivalry, and American students.  I am now a Barcelona fan after spending a semester here and I have really enjoyed learning about the team and going to games.  I am excited to watch barcelona play Real Madrid here in Barcelona and I really hope they win.

The game was good and although it was a little dirty because they are such bitter rivals it still was awesome that Barcelona won.  After the game the bar went wild and we rushed out to las ramblas to see the party in the street.  My friends knew about the water fountain that people climb on when Barcelona wins big game or against real Madrid.  I looked it up online and what i found was that During the Franco years it was one of the few places where it was possible to hold public debates and was often the scene of many arguments among Barcelona fans. It is thought that those who drink from this fountain will return to Barcelona. Although I dont think the water is clean i'm going to have to get a drink from that fountain so that I can return to barcelona some day.It was a really exciting  experience to see Barcelona beat Madrid and I hope that Barcelona wins against Madrid this week so that i can experience and even crazier party in Barcelona.  
This was the fountain after Barcelona won!

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